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The John or Paul Project

My sincere thanks to all of you who responded to my Funky Easy 1-Question (Okay, 2) Sociological Survey. You people...

Studying the Inhumanities

A new collection documents the American policy of cruel and inhumane "non-torture." Scott McLemee takes a look.

Ad Hoc Extra Credit

No. Oh God, no. No, no, no. Nein. Nyet. Non. Huh-uh. Negative. I'll qualify that. Extra credit that's built into...


There has to be a better way. I have what seems like thirty thousand logins, each requiring its own username...

Academic Advising by a Bot

Jonathan Deutsch shares his recent online discussion with a company promising to find him the perfect distance education program.

Professor Lipton

It's specious, writes Philip Larkin in his fear-of-death poem, Aubade, for philosophers to tell us that No rational being Can...

Diamonds in the Rough

For all the frustrations students sometimes give their professors, Christopher Phelps writes of the way some of them inspire.

Public Scholarship at CC's

This is really an exercise in idea-stealing, rather than a developed thought. Have you seen (or do you work at)...