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Liveblogging the League, Part II

One of the purposes of conferences, I think, is to facilitate serendipity. Like when a not-very-enlightening presentations leads, almost despite...

Teaching Social Justice in Higher Ed

Thomas R. Tritton considers how his students who aspire to become college administrators approach some of the key issues.

The Opening Hours of Unofficial St. Pat's

Even if I hadn’t known Unofficial St. Pat’s Day was Friday at Illinois, I would have known something was up...

Liveblogging the League, Part I

The League for Innovation conference has a very different feel than the conferences I used to attend in my scholarly...


A war's raging between two in-house bloggers at the Chronicle of Higher Education. One's an overpaid university president (he recently...

Contest Reminder

For those of you interested in entering my Little Truths Writing Contest, there's about a week left to get those...

To The Students at Unofficial St. Pat's

Would you people please take it easy, today and tomorrow, and use your heads? I'm coming out to take a...

Journal boxes

Well, it appears that yesterday's article on an open access journal published by the library at Indiana University has generated...