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An edgy question

A correspondent asks, after posting a description of steps taken toward sustainability: “ a student emailed me asking broader questions...

The Soiling of Old Glory

A new book analyzes a famous photograph from Boston anti-busing protests. Scott McLemee takes a pre-post-racial look.

Ask the Administrator: A Career in a Crisper

A new correspondent writes: Within the last year I've completed my PhD in English. In thinking about future jobs, I...

Constructive research

Three new construction technologies which will improve the energy profiles of future buildings: One is available right now, and it’s...

Harsh Realities About Virtual Ones

Colleges need to question their rush to the latest technological wonders and focus more on students, writes Michael Bugeja.

Ask the Administrator: Grad School Funding Follies

A new reader writes: I have a question for you based on personal experience. I am ABD in a humanities...

Global Warming is the new Sputnik

Even if you don’t remember 1957, you’re probably aware of the influx of funding, research and science majors which US...

A Call for Slow Writing

It's time for journal essays to replace books as the dominant mode of scholarly communication, writes Lindsay Waters.