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Modest proposal #4 - Ban the box

Tis Spring, and an old(er) man’s fancy turns to thoughts of ... possible policy changes for the coming academic year...

Higher Ed's Changing Economic Landscape

Recent decisions by a number of our major private institutions are changing the higher education financial landscape significantly and quickly...

Publishing: Now for the Masses

Of course printed books have been widely available to the masses since the 19th century, when new technologies in paper...

Ask the Administrator: CC Job Interviews

Several readers this week have asked variations on the same question. 'Tis the season, I guess. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Earlier this year...

Modest Proposal #3 - Count miles

Tis Spring, and an old(er) man’s fancy turns to thoughts of ... possible policy changes for the coming academic year...

Shaping a Life of the Mind for Practice

William M. Sullivan and Matthew S. Rosin call for a new approach to thinking about the curriculum.

In Search of Max Faber

A polemical book takes aim at African-American public intellectuals. Scott McLemee represents....

Measures and Rewards

One of the recurrent themes at the AACC panels was the difficulty in measuring the relative success of a community...