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Research Funds for Technophiles

Mark Bauerlein wonders if the new programs to study the impact of digital culture on students and learning are really open-minded.

Mothering at Mid-Career: What happened to May?

It happens every year around this time: I lose an entire month. I start looking forward to May in about...

... or add a day

Today's issue leads with a story about how some community colleges are going to four-day schedules (MW/TTh classes only) to...

The Career Counselor Is In: 'Should I Drop Out?'

I received a letter with this title from “Amanda” -- a PhD student at an Ivy League institution who wants...

Bookstore as Time Machine

This weekend, TW and I had a chance to visit a couple of really well-known college towns a few states...

Massachusetts Should Tax Harvard

James D. Miller defends as logical a state lawmaker's proposal to tax the assets of the wealthy colleges and universities within the state's borders.

Inputs and outputs

Under the terms of the ACUPCC, Greenback University's greenhouse gas inventory is due in September. The heavy lifting is now...

The Life Cycle of an Aid Program

1. Need goes unmet for extended period. 2. Unmet need strikes someone with connections. 3. New aid program proposed. Much...