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Digital Daze

University presses gathered in Montreal last week to discuss the future. Scott McLemee comes back with a report.


I was out of town over the weekend, getting to know the newest member of the Rendell clan. My new...

Mothering at Mid-Career: The Annual Report

Like most of my colleagues -- and many of you, no doubt -- I've just finished writing my annual report...

A New Approach to Grade Inflation

Using two formulas may result in a better picture of what's really happening in the classroom, writes Abbott Katz.

Don't buy, rent

Thanks to a correspondent for putting me onto this story. Feel free to share anything even vaguely similar. Or different...

Two-Year in Hell

Richard Dean tells the story of an unusual choice made by a new Ph.D.

The Career Coach Is In: Pregnant as a PhD Student?

This week’s question is from a research university doctoral student, Ellen, and it is one I would like to throw...

Interview Tips: A Bleg

This week a correspondent sent some good interview tips for faculty candidates, asking that I gather more from my wise...