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Ask the Administrator: Selling Assessment

A new correspondent writes: I'm interviewing for an interesting non-faculty position soon, and before I go in to the interview...

It's All Geek to Me

We have, by contemporary standards, a mixed marriage, for I am a nerd, while my wife is a geek. A...

ABCs and PhDs: What next?

I've been away from teaching for four years now, since our relocation to the Vancouver area and the subsequent birth...

The University of Ohiopennkaniowatenn

How the NCAA's academic rules for athletes play out on campuses is hugely influenced -- and complicated -- by each institution's own policies, writes Todd Diacon.

On the Fringe

Looking around at my fellow adjunct professors, it bothers me how many are mothers holding PhDs. I can’t help but...

Ask the Administrator: Firing Student Assistants

A regular reader writes: I'd love to hear people's advice on how to fire student assistants gracefully. Better still, I'd...

The joys of decentralization

I've commented before on the challenges Greenback is facing, accounting for the considerable greenhouse gas emissions resulting from things like...

Naming Names: Ten Rules

Periodically, universities and their friends engage in a flurry of conversations about naming things on campus, usually triggered by a...