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ABCs and PhDs: Kindergarten

These last few weeks starting kindergarten have been hard! I remember this from my older daughter too; the adjustment is...

Sneaking in after hours

An article by Elizabeth Redden in yesterday's IHE noted that more than half of the charter signatories to the ACUPCC...

Colleges Should Stand Up to the Entertainment Industry

Times have changed, and just because the music and movie industries face challenges is no reason for them to turn higher ed into their enforcers, writes Kevin Carey.

Mothering at Mid-Career #21: Dual Career?

There's almost too much important news these days to choose something to blog about. The economy, the election, the weather...

Polarizing Professors

This week's New York Times supplement on teaching once again skipped community colleges completely, even though it found several pages...

Stop Trying To Get Tenure and Start Trying To Enjoy Yourself

The best approach to a mysterious process and unreasonable demands is to ignore them, writes Gary W. Lewandowski Jr.

Forecasting Fallout

The recent game of "let's see, where did I put that hundred billion?" is likely to lead to some ugly...

Career Coach: Should I Adjunct?

I taught for several years at a state school of fairly low rank and then taught at a very diverse...