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Quote of the Day

From yesterday's New York Times article about the faculty at the New School passing a vote of no confidence in...

Creative Writing Job-Search Wiki

A friend has sent me the link for a wiki that might be of interest to anyone on the job...

Let Us Disarm!

The economic crisis points to the need to change antitrust policies so that private colleges can agree on joint steps that would cut costs, writes William G. Durden.

Public Missions, Private Dollars and Ordinary People

It's time to acknowledge and reverse the shameful spiral of disinvestment in public higher education, writes Ed Ray.

Buying Low

Apparently, the proprietary colleges are in the midst of another of their periodic booms, swooping in and grabbing students just...

Motherhood After Tenure: Mama and Papa PhDs

Last week I was a part of a panel in a colleague’s course on family values. The panel, “Mama and...

Healing ourselves

The sustainability crisis, the economic crisis, the fact that the US Chamber of Commerce (among other bad actors) is trying...

ABCs and PhDs: Vintage glass

It’s that time of year again when the boxes of Christmas decorations come out of storage and for a few...