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Ask the Administrator: What Makes a Good Job Talk?

A new correspondent writes: I wonder if you'd consider posting a query to your readers about job talk expectations at...

A longer story than that

I recently started getting daily environmental digests from ScienceDaily. Each newsletter has more items in it than I have time...


The Boy and The Girl are hitting new milestones. Last week we took them to a local park, where Santa...

International Study Shouldn't Be Elective

Every American decade has its archetypes. If you were heading off to business school in the 1980s, you might have...

Math Geek Mom: Ready, Set, Interview!

We economists have great respect for “markets”, the interaction of buyers and sellers of some good or service. While sometimes...

Guilt as a motivating force

Elizabeth Coffman posted a nice discussion on the guilt(s) associated with bicoastal marriages involving children. The "mommy guilt" and also...

The Economic Collapse and Educational Values

Ralph Hexter sees similarities between the reward structures of the business world and the college world -- and thinks academics should offer a different model.

Long Distance Mom: Carbon Guilt

Inside Higher Ed has done a good job with publicizing the humor and pain surrounding long distance couples and their...