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Omaha stakes

Warren Buffett has seen the future of personal transportation, and it isn't spelled "GM". The Oracle of Omaha (or, more...

It's Time to End 'Courseocentrism'

It’s often said that one of the great failings of American higher education is that teaching fails to get the...

Mothering at Mid-Career: 'Balancing Teaching and Research'

Someone just asked me to participate in a panel discussion on “balancing teaching and research” (this in the context of...

Ask the Administrator: Perceptions of Online Graduate Degrees

A new correspondent writes: I am two years into the four year tenure process at my community college after having...

College Affordability: The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

The honorable political pledge to "make college affordable" becomes a wolf in sheep’s clothing during a recession. And the wolf...

The Bright Side of Economic Freefall

As the soufflé of an overleveraged economy collapses, it's easy to focus on the negative. I spent most of December...

Career Coach: Don't Rush to Grad School

Can't find a job? Don't go to grad school. The economy's tanking! Should I give up looking for a job...

Contemplating rurality

When I'm not on campus, I farm. As a result, for the last 25+ years, I've lived a ways from...