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ABCs and PhDs: Taking stock on my last six months as "½-time mom"

Here’s my weekday morning start: I wake up in time for about 10 minutes of quiet before the 45 minutes...

I'm a Professor. Now What?

In 1978, I got my first teaching job — at a public high school. At the conclusion of the interview...

The Reader

To Kindle or not to Kindle? Scott McLemee thinks that's not really the question....

You Forget...

what the world looks like when you're seven. An actual exchange last night: The Boy: You know, I try to...

Food, fuel

I often find it interesting to chase down links and other references provided when folks respond to my posts. Generally...

Fixing the Babel of Multi-State Licensure

States are ultimately responsible for college quality, but 50 definitions of quality are too many. It's time to cooperate on state approval of higher education, Alan Contreras writes.

Cary Nelson, Provocateur

Well, that post title was a little redundant, don’t you think? For my readers not in academe, Cary Nelson is...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Trying to stay positive

Last Monday I wrote my blog post during a snow day; today it’s 80F and sunny, and I’m on spring...