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We Need a New Kind of Institutional Aid

Congress needs to create a program that rewards colleges and universities that educate disadvantaged students, write Charles B. Reed and F. King Alexander.

When You Don't Want to Teach That Course

Dear Survival Guide: My chair just asked me to teach a course I've never taught, and which I think is...

A Sonnet for Nicholas Hughes

Each suicide writes a new life storyWith obvious portents like something out of Dreiser Or like the junior high school...

Ask the Administrator: Internships

A new correspondent writes: Recently I've noticed an increase of reports in the popular press proclaiming an "internship arms race"...

On crashing and burning in public

My previous post was perhaps not worse than a crime, but it was definitely a blunder. To go 0-for-2 in...

The Stimulus Package -- News From the Front

Hundreds of billions of dollars are flowing. Wick Sloane wonders: Can't the country spare $100 in textbook loaners for each of the nation's community college students?

The Adjunct Comedy

Comedy, it’s been said, is made possible by incomplete understanding. If one fully understood another’s suffering, the story would turn...

What I Wish I'd Known About Tenure

Leslie M. Phinney discusses tenure and what should you know about the tenure process when starting an academic career.