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Long Distance Mom: Antioch Confidential

“If evil is inevitable, how are the wicked accountable? Nay, why do we call men wicked at all? Evil is...

Lessons at a Video Game Convention

A decidedly non-academic meeting leaves Patricia G. Greene and Heidi M. Neck thinking about how higher education needs to change.

Ask the Administrator: Chairperson Interview Questions

A new correspondent writes: I was wondering if you could share some questions you might ask a chairperson candidate. Thank...

ABC's and PhD's: Damage Control

A flood has forced me to reckon with my past. As floods go it was minor and certainly no major...

Every Fury on Earth

John Summers' work has shed light on C. Wright Mills and other anarchists. In an interview, Scott McLemee shines a light on Summers himself ...

The Not So Usual Suspects

Hiring workers from the corporate world to work in admissions, registrars’ and other offices requires managers and employees alike to think differently, writes Chuck Hurley.

Why I Don't Envy Colleagues at Four-Year Colleges

I'm beginning to think that anytime I'm stuck for an idea, I should just read Tim Burke. This piece on...

Tibetan Book of the Adjunct

Little-known until now, the Tibetan Book of the Adjunct: Liberation Through Understanding in the Between provides spiritual guidance to those...