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Regulating the Bookstore

Congress's new attention to textbook issues, through the Higher Education Act, will bring transparency, some new technology, and new challenges to campus stores and those responsible for them, Kenneth C. Green writes.

Interviews at Community Colleges

David Lydic offers guidance on how to prepare and what to expect when you are up for a faculty job at a two-year institution.

Math Geek Mom: Opportunity Cost in European History, 102

Last week, I looked out at my classes and found many more empty desks than I had expected to see...

Silly Season

'Tis Spring – almost finals – and you can tell on campus. The characteristic signs are there: People walk much...

Green it now

(Arguably, the title should be "Green IT now", but I prefer not to shout.) Anyways, a number of interesting bits...

Defending Collegiality

Colleges should state as policy that professors should treat each other with some degree of courtesy and professionalism, writes Michael Fischer.

Motherhood After Tenure: listening to black "mama, PhDs"

Last week I had the honor of speaking on behalf of Mama, PhD at the Arkansas Council for Women in...

The Inbox Police

As I've gotten older, and more aware of the unintended consequences of things, I've become pickier in selecting acts of...