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Guest Post: Ben Cohen

Today my old chum Ben Cohen helps us read the signs right in front of us. Ben is an environmental...

In Which I Ask My Readers For Wisdom

Let's say, for the sake of argument, that there's a reorg afoot on your campus. And let's say that part...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Starting Fresh?

It’s been just over a year since I started writing this blog. Last May I was just coming off sabbatical...

Celebrations - commencement and cinematic

As a parent, teacher and Greenback University staff member, I get to attend multiple commencement ceremonies each spring. I glory...

Equity, Ethics and Adjuncts

The long strike at York University this year, writes Linda Muzzin, challenges everyone in higher education to consider the treatment of non-tenure-track faculty members.

Take a Walk on the Wired Side

Want to teach online? Rob Weir provides warnings and tips.

Dear Graduates,

Congratulations on your achievement. I've heard some grumbling among you, and I have to acknowledge the truth: you're graduating into...

Career Coach: To Stay or to Go

I have been asked to write about a dilemma many academics face now: whether to stay or go. What do...