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Why I'm Sticking With FFELP

President Obama’s proposal to end the Federal Family Education Loan Program and make all federal student loans through the Direct...

Motherhood After Tenure: professors and money

I love Suze Orman; I can’t help it. Like her counterpart, Doctor Ruth, Orman speaks frankly about a charged topic...

The Platinum Rule

Twice in the last month, I've been in meetings at which somebody suggested that the solution to some ongoing dilemma...

ABC's and Ph.D.'s: Back to Elementary School

When my older daughter started elementary school, I asked about helping out occasionally in her classroom and I was politely...

When the Boss is Awful

In response to yesterday's post, several commenters asked variations on "well, okay, but what if the dean is a jackass...

Cartoon Conservatism

Is "Little Orphan Annie" the key to understanding Obama-phobia? Scott McLemee interviews a scholar in the field of comics studies.

Creating a Research Agenda

Graduate students need to make strategic decisions about courses, professors and opportunities, write Justin Reedy and Madhavi Murty.

Widow X Waits for You

It’s easy to feel an exhilaration verging on hysteria at the start of a big research project; you don’t even...