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Ask the Administrator: Cheap Shots in Student Course Evaluations

A Canadian correspondent writes: The CC has dramatically different standards and practices from the other schools [at which I've taught]...

Pell Grants: Glass Half Full

Despite the importance of financial aid, efforts to attract more people to higher education will not succeed without adequate funding for programs that provide academic support for low-income students, writes Arnold Mitchem.

Non-Academic Interviews

Christine Kelly offers advice on how to act naturally as you shift career paths.

Changing Barometers

Back in the 80's and early 90's, the way you could tell if a speaker was losing the audience was...

Career Coach: Family Friendly Employers

Hello, It’s still early for me, as I have no baby prospects and I'm nowhere close to finishing my PhD...

Environmental ethics

Climate change is killing people. By the hundreds of thousands. Right now. That's one of the conclusions of an analysis...

The Ones Who Made It to May

Wick Sloane offers his personal approach for improving (low) community college completion rates: Sticky buns, handshakes and a little more time.

Preparing for the Non-Academic Interview

In the first of a two-part essay, Christine Kelly reviews the stereotypes and key questions a Ph.D. will face, and how to overcome them.