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7 Things to Do Now

Rob Weir offers advice on how to get ready this summer before you get ready for a new fall position.

A Crisis of Ethic Proportion

If tenure and peer review are under attack, the professoriate may have brought it on itself through failure to defend its social contract, Neil W. Hamilton argues.

Math Geek Mom: Just trying to say 'I Love You'

When I was in college, a fellow student once told several of us about a boy she used to know...

The Seven Secrets of...

Every summer, blog traffic slows down a bit, which usually occasions some musings on better marketing. So, some musings on...


Since I was raised as a country boy, with an inherited scorn for city-dwellers and "flatlanders", I've never had much...

And now for a brief word ...

... AAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHH! I just read an item that explained how a Nestle bottled water plant in Pennsylvania was awarded LEED...

Historical Parallels in Industrial Economy

A Times piece a couple of days ago, “Michigan Works to Remake Itself Without King Auto," says that “About 800,000...

Sometimes It Actually Works

Like Tolstoy's unhappy families, every bad meeting is bad in its own particular way. Some elements of lousy meetings are...