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Ask the Administrator: Picking Winners

A new correspondent writes: With all this talk about green jobs and the more than usual uncertainty about the shape...

Leaves and Expectations

C.K. Gunsalus considers what to do in a department where some consider time away from teaching duties to be a privilege and others consider it a right.

Less Research, More Economies of Scale

That's Joseph T. Johnson's prescription for how to contain undergraduate tuition -- and "rationalize the classroom" -- at public universities.

Come Together, Right Now

I know why I know so little, but why is it so difficult for you scientists to know things definitively...

Math Geek Mom: It's Summer!!

You may have heard the comment that the “three best things about teaching are June, July and August”. Those of...

The other classes on campus

The series title "Town & Country" put me in mind of something I hadn't thought about for years. When I...

Motherhood After Tenure: other mothers

Although I became a mother late in life, two girls have been teaching me about parenting for the past several...

Adventures in Web Publishing

Douglas J. Amy opted to put his book online rather than seek a conventional scholarly publisher. He's glad he did.