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Strong Basis in Confusion

As someone integral to the hiring process at a public institution, I take particular interest in the New Haven firefighters'...

Books Aren't Everything

Publishing -- especially university press publishing -- is a tough business. Recently, many presses have come under greater financial pressure...

Lunch on the Lam

There was a time when I faithfully brought lunch to work. It was economical, and it saved driving, and it...

True accountability

"Accountability" is one of those lightning-rod words in the educational community. Far too often, it means teaching only those things...

Poverty Studies

While literary scholars have good reason to study race, gender and sexuality, too many ignore the economically struggling, writes Keith Gandal.

Passions and Placement

One part of summer prep for the job market should be indulging in a few interests that don't relate directly to your scholarship, writes Teresa Mangum.

Umps and Academics

I just finished Bruce Weber’s new book , As They See ‘Em, which is about professional umpires. As a longstanding...

Career Coach: More on the Mature Mama PhD

Psychology is a second career for me. I returned to graduate school at age 36, and turned 40 during my...