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Professor Krammer Cleans Out His Office

David Galef looks on as an emeritus professor, wistfully, prepares to leave U of All People.

Africa, Illinois

“History is a nightmare from which I am trying to awake,” says Stephen Dedalus in Ulysses. Ditto, but the more...

Ask the Administrator: Tracking the Elusive Full-Time English Gig

A new correspondent writes: I am considering a English Education master's degree with the intent of teaching at community colleges...

Math Geek Mom: Making Mistakes (Sometimes in Public)

When I was in graduate school, one of our teachers suggested to those of us planning to go on to...

Dinner meet-ups in Portland

This year's conference of SCUP (the Society for College and University Planning) is in Portland, OR next week. I'll be...

Motherhood After Tenure: our parents' stories

My daughter is at the age where she likes to hear stories about my childhood. “Tell me a story about...

The Inadequacy of Increased Disclosure

Increasing what scientists must report about their financial conflicts of interest won’t affect misconduct, writes Brian Hanley. Scientific fraud is the root problem that needs to be addressed.

Salary Compression

In the discussion after the post about counteroffers a couple of days ago, several commenters raised the issue of salary...