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Hiring in Admissions

The days of personable young alumni landing counselor jobs with ease are gone. Kent Barnds writes about how these positions are filled.

Breaking the Cost Spiral

Because colleges spend what they earn, access to higher education won't really be increased until institutions are forced to compete on outcomes, not reputation, argue Robert Martin and Andrew Gillen.

Thomas E. Kennedy Interview, Pt. 3

This is the third and final part of Tom's interview by Okla Elliott. My thanks to them both. Read Part...

Ask the Administrator: Social Media and Academic Careers

A new correspondent writes: With the exponential growth in use of social networking, in what ways do sites such as...

Math Geek Mom: What Shall We Call Ourselves?

I guess we made the “big time” when this blog was criticized by the Wall Street Journal a few weeks...

When the Coach Said 'Faggot'

I came across the story of University of Hawaii football coach Greg McMackin’s bad behavior a little late, which in...

Suing the Alma Mater

Several alert readers sent me links to this story, about a new graduate who is suing her alma mater (of...

ABC's and Ph.D.'s: Wheels on the bus

With summer vacation comes a flurry of activities to keep children occupied. We’re blessed in our community with all kinds...