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The rubber meets the road, or the face meets the snow

September 15 is fast approaching. On that date, over 200 charter signatories of the American College and University Presidents Climate...

ABC's and PhD's: "New Year's" Resolutions

Every year at this time I re-evaluate my daily schedule and get ready for the start of the new year...

Wrong Things, Rightly Named

An Eastern European thinker knows what to call the practices covered in the CIA report. Scott McLemee follows his lead....

Use Social Media

Sabine Hikel offers a guide to online networking for the post-academic.

If Stephen Colbert Did the Annual Kickoff Meeting...

(in the style of "The Word") Faculty and distinguished colleagues, (Slide: "And the undistinguished among you, too...") welcome back from...

Demand and Supply

One of the challenges of catalyzing a transformation of higher education towards an active learning model is that students are...


Keeping with the amusement park theme from yesterday (variations on a theme park?), most of yesterday was devoted to a...

Finding One's Way By Losing It

As comforting as lamentation can be, colleges and their leaders will waste an opportunity if they respond to the economic crisis with frugality and caution, David E. Shi writes.