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A Teacher Litmus Test

Here’s the set-up; you have until Friday at 4:00 to answer: You’re teaching an introductory survey for non-majors to a...

Seeing Like a Student

This in IHE contains a lot, and is well worth pondering. It has several posts' worth of material, actually, but...

Slideshare predictions and wishes

Every presentation that you make should be posted up to Every slide deck that your students create should be...

More than morality

For a while now, I've been hearing that climate change is, among other things, a moral issue. The basic argument...

New Civil Rights Movement

Tens of thousands of people demonstrated at the US Capitol on Sunday to demand LGBT equality. Scott McLemee thinks while marching...

Decentralized Work: The Final Frontier

Two decades after we were promised that telecommuting and other flexible work arrangements would be the norm, they're far from it, Justin Draeger writes. He offers guidance for how to do it right.

Local Economic Indicators

The Planet Money podcast from NPR has a running feature called "Today's Economic Indicator" (or something like that). It's a...

The New Literacy and the CMS

The biggest problem I have with Blackboard (and other vertical CMS platforms) is that the knowledge, materials and conversation generated...