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Equivalent ain't

(On the way to work: "My Roots Are Showing" by Natalie MacMaster. If this doesn't do it for you, check...

Long Distance Mom: College Roommates

A lot can be said about the ‘challenges’ of Facebook, but one of the great things about social media is...

More Than Appearances

The new dress code at Morehouse College is about more than clothes, writes Marybeth Gasman.

Where Enrollment is Down

The headlines about the enrollment booms at community colleges are accurate, as far as they go. But I realized yesterday...

Microsoft's Vision for Higher Ed and Lecture Capture

Have you guys seen Microsoft's video on technology enabled collaborative learning? The video description reads: What if learning was an...


State workers here are required to take and pass an annual, online, ethics refresher course (it takes 30-60 minutes), and...

Great green groups

(Music for the drive in this morning was Mulgrew Miller's Landmarks. His playing is remarkably expressive through a very wide...

ABC's and PhD's: Thanksgiving reflections

We celebrated Thanksgiving here in Canada not long ago, and I spent the holiday weekend in deep contemplation and reflection...