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The Museum at the Heart of the Academy

Universities must work harder to make their galleries key to the educational experience, but getting rid of them is shortsighted and bad for the institutions and their students, writes James Christen Steward.

In Praise of Collaborative Answers

Sherman Dorn has a nice response to yesterday's post, in which he basically argues that established unions are generally better...

Visibility, Autonomy and Control

We had the Cornell Interactive Theater CITE come to campus this week to offer workshops on communication issues specific to...

Mixed message on methane

A word to the wise (and otherwise): don't get H1N1. Just don't. Do whatever you need to do, but minimize...

ABC's and PhD's: Indie Scholars

Last week, for Inside Higher Ed, Scott McLemee reviewed a three-day event held at the University of Iowa called “Platforms...

The Kids Are All Right

To connect with students in the classroom, you need to be realistic about them and about yourself, write Gary W. Lewandowski Jr. and David B. Strohmetz.

Views of the Classroom

Teresa Mangum discusses how to uncover your inner teaching philosophy, and how to share it with hiring committees.

Wednesday Wonder Cabinet 2

Gaze into the box: I had some fun yesterday doing a nearly hour-long interview on my novel with the local...