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Guest Post: Sandra Beasley

I met today's guest, Sandra Beasley , back at the start of the year, after a session at the Association...


I had a good conversation this week with someone who works at one of our major feeder high schools. It's...

Blackboard, Microsoft and the Education Tech Conversation

The EDUCAUSE annual conference is the one meeting each year that, for me, qualifies as unmissable. I come to EDUCAUSE...

Math Geek Mom: Time

Last week was a difficult one in my family, as all of us got hit with a bug that is...


If you believe Ban Ki Moon, the UN climate summit next month in Copenhagen will be a failure by any...

Long Distance Mom: Teen Zombies

Maybe it’s because it was just Halloween, but, for some reason, zombies seem to have surrounded me recently. My fourteen...

Stop Financial Aid for Wealthy Students

The money elite colleges are spending to discount tuition for students from families atop the economic ladder could be better spent elsewhere in these tough times, writes Donald E. Heller.

An Open Letter to the Department of Education

Dear Dept of Ed, Thanks for the wonderful grant support you've offered recently to community colleges. With enrollments up and...