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Strike at Illinois

If you’re reading this Monday morning, the strike at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign has begun, and I’m out taking...

Career Coach: More on Gender Balance

The undergraduate institution I attended went co-ed the year I matriculated. It had previously been an all-women’s college, the sister...

Summer is a'goin out

It's getting cold at night around Backboro. The stock tanks have a quarter inch of hard ice on them in...

Reality testing

I wasn't listening to music on the way to Greenback this morning, but I should have been. I should have...

They Don't Read!

Over the years I’ve often taught Edward Bellamy’s classic 19th century utopian novel Looking Backward. It’s a blistering critique of...

Road Too Little Traveled

Most colleges' cost cutting decisions so far have avoided rigorous reviews of academic programs. It's time for that to change, writes Tim Mann, who offers some pointers.

Ask the Administrator: The Etiquette of Postmortems

A regular correspondent whose chief academic officer abruptly stepped down writes: When we start looking for a new academic dean...

Math Geek Mom: More on Maternity Leaves

Several weeks ago, I asked my readers to share their maternity leave stories with me, as I work to propose...