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My son and I arrived ten minutes before the official vaccination clinic start time, but already the line-up for H1N1...

To the Extreme

Cornel West was in The Matrix, but cultural politics isn't a video game. Scott McLemee responds to the continuing discussion.

The Interview -- Readiness Is All

To be authentic and to cover the points you want, rehearsal is a must, writes Teresa Mangum.


Discipline is one of those words that can mean almost anything. A few years ago, Gregg Easterbrook mentioned that when...

Dreaming of EDU Apps

I agree with the NYTimes' Jenna Wortham that the combination of the App Store and the iPhone/iTouch is a "Game...

Neutralizing negativity (or at least offsetting it)

Sometimes, you need to fight fire with fire. Taking the high road (sharing information; describing costs, benefits and risks --...

Whom Can You Trust on Climate Change?

The furor over the stolen e-mail messages makes this a perfect time to focus on the value of peer review, writes Kevin B. Johnson.

Battles You Don't Want to Fight

A savvy admin will pick battles carefully. I've seen too many cases of "you're right, but you're wrong to bring...