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Expert Advice

Peg Boyle Single interviews the authors of What They Didn't Teach You in Graduate School.


You know you're grading on a curve when settling to pay out only $78 million causes your stock to go...

Politics, pedagogy, the press and professors (a prickly post)

Thanks to Terry Calhoun for stating briefly what I will now attempt to say with excruciating verbosity. I've been thinking...

The Purposes of Learning Technology

--To challenge the status quo in teaching and learning. --To make big classes act and feel like seminars. --To help...

The Wrong Rescue Plan

Public universities need help, but that doesn't mean the values of the Morrill Act should be discarded by favoring a few institutions over the rest, writes M. Duane Nellis.

Ask My Readers: Getting Out of Dodge

A longtime correspondent writes: Something that may spark some responses from your readers. One of the things about our campus...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Thinking about my students

Last month Aeron Haynie's piece on "taking students personally" hit home for me. One of the great pleasures of teaching...

Why Jing to Twitter Matters

Nobody gets the power of small pieces loosely joined better than TechSmith. I've been playing with its newest Jing feature...