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Guest Post: Martin Riker

When Martin Riker, Dalkey Archive Press's associate director, told me he'd be moderating a panel on literary translation at this...

Pattern clarification

One of the reasons I use a lot of words is that I have to work my way through a...

A three-day party!

My family spent New Year’s Eve and the following weekend at one of our favorite places in the world, Friday...

Facing the Fallout

Budget cuts undercut the sense of community at many colleges. What's a department chair to do? C.K. Gunsalus considers the options.

The First of the Year

An unusual cultural journal has reinvented itself, both online and in print. Scott McLemee looks into its latest anthology.

Ask the Administrator: How the Hell Do I Break In (and Out)?

A frustrated correspondent writes: I just stumbled across your blog and thought it would be worth a shot hearing someone...

In Praise of Grade Inflation

How many times have all of us complained about grade inflation? I'm guilty. You're guilty. We all do it. But...

Pattern perception

Over the holidays (and yes, I enjoyed them, thanks for asking!) we had visitors at the Rendell farm. Friends and...