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J.D. Salinger: 1919 - 2010

A short story can never be too rich or too thin. J.D. Salinger's A Perfect Day for Bananafish - its...

Make Maintenance of Effort Permanent

Congress should regularly require states to maintain their spending on higher education, F. King Alexander argues.

Ask the Administrator: Second Master's, or Ph.D.?

A new correspondent writes: I have a dilemma. I currently writing my thesis for a MS degree (industrial management). My...

iPad and the Risk of 'Sustaining Innovations'

The risk of the iPad for higher education is that the device will prove a "sustaining innovation" in learning technology...

Long Distance Mom: Drowning in Debt

It’s a humbling experience when you realize that, yes indeed, you are one of those over-educated Americans who can be...

Yesterday's news

No, I'm not concerned with what will be (by the time you read this) last night's State of the Union...

Classroom Gaffes

When explaining how to prepare adequately for creative writing workshops, I ask new classes to take their peers’ work home...

ABCs and PhD's: Stress

I snow-balled a meltdown as I hurrumphed around this evening, distressed at the resistance of my family to help out...