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Managing to change

According to the web newsletter Environmental Leader, the British consulting firm Verdantix has just published a report describing four strategies...

The Fun of Novel Writing

I’d forgotten how fun, even exciting, the early stages of research on a novel can be. This week I’ve gotten...

Gerrymandering the Canon

Scholars should move beyond dividing literature by nationality and stop equating literature with literature written in English, writes Dan Edelstein.

Local Control?

I know I'm supposed to believe that standardization, state or national rules, or anything beyond local control is of the...

Mothering at Mid-Career: February Blues

February, not April, is the cruelest month. Ask anyone in the mid-Atlantic states who's been pummelled by snow for the...

NPR lies artfully

Mark Twain, I believe, once wrote that there are two ways of lying artfully -- telling the truth but not...

Don't Avoid Conflicts; Mine Them

It was late at night on a spring evening in 2006 at Columbia University, and a dozen of us remained...

Get Out There and Shake It!

You can't wait for senior colleagues to reach out. You need to reach out to them, writes Kerry Ann Rockquemore.