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Avatar Rape

Colleges need to recognize that their students are being harassed in virtual environments, writes Michael Bugeja.

Film Resources

One of my former professors used to say that when he eventually retired he’d sit around all day in his...

Long Distance Mom: Guns in Meetings

I hesitated to write on this topic because of the pain all of the affected families feel right now, including...

Music, News or Medicine

Which industry does higher ed most resemble: music, news or medicine? What do you think? We are endlessly fascinated by...

Can comedy save us?

Intelligence is overrated (see Al Capp's extensive work on the subject of "hoomin stoopidity"). Outrage has been co-opted and merged...

Created in Their Image

Julia Gergits considers whether regional state universities mold or mangle the careers of their faculty members.

Andy Warhol, Then and Now

Was the artist actually a great philosopher -- or Norman Rockwell's aesthetic heir? Scott McLemee goes Pop.

Privacy and Diversity

Every so often, I'll hear some longtime employees complain that the newer cohort (of which they still consider me a...