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I'd Like to Thank the Academy

Since the root of "academic" is "academy," it seems like we should have our own Academy Awards. Colleges have been...

Toward a Product Evaluation Framework

Part of the responsibilities I enjoy most in academic technology is the opportunity to make recommendations for campus technology purchases...

A Real Snow Job

My kids love the snow. They can’t wait to have another snow storm after which they will spend hours snowboarding...

Have the Rules Changed?

I sometimes feel unqualified to write this column. I work with clients who teach, but aside from the occasional speaking...


Automated Touchless Dispenser it says on the paper towel machine in the bathroom near my university office, and I sometimes...

When Funding Models Collide

Like many colleges, mine has two main funding models operating side by side. The traditional one is the not-for-profit, credit-bearing...

Switching Sides

Matt Wasowski, in a corporate role, has been encouraging colleges to embrace technology to teach. Now, he's teaching a course online for the first time himself.

That First, Crummy Job

When changing careers, remember that your dream position may not come for a few years, writes Sabine Hikel.