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Perfectionism - I

Peg Boyle Single explains how some of the qualities that got you into graduate school can make it extra hard to finish up.

Scholarship or Sacrilege?

The decision to honor a work in religious studies has provoked controversy. Scott McLemee meditates on the protest.


I've read a fair number of pieces about 'casualization' over the last few years, particularly in the context of higher...

10 Competencies for Every Graduate

Every job is a technology job. Technology is baked into each aspect of work. Social media means that everyone in...

Engineering behavior

For years now, I've used Microsoft Office, running on Microsoft Windows. And for years, every time I've wanted to do...

Fixing Technology Transfer

Recent debate about freeing professors to commercialize their inventions misses the mark, write Joshua Powers and Eric Campbell, who suggest rethinking the profit motive entirely.

The Great Training Robbery

As regular readers know, I'm usually unimpressed by The New York Times' coverage of higher education. But this story is...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Unknitting

There are some undertakings so overwhelming that, if you knew too much about them before diving in, you might never...