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Connecting Outside the Ivory Tower

I take a singing class on Monday nights. This is joyful recreation for me, as well as a nostalgic experience...

Adapt or Decline

Higher education is transforming. Which side of history are you on? Anya Kamenetz asks.

Does Wikipedia Suck?

Banning the popular Web tool will be ineffective, writes Rob Weir, but you can teach your students how to evaluate information.

When It's Your Kid...

The Boy complained again this week -- it's becoming pretty regular -- that he's bored with math, because it's too...

Why Dean Dad is Wrong About Webinars

Dean Dad asks, "Why do webinars always suck?" Dean Dad, you must be attending the wrong webinars. Have you attended...

Math Geek Mom: Non-satiation

A central tenet of economics is the assumption of non-satiation. This concept says that people will always want more of...

Long Distance Mom: Happiness Studies

Enough work has been done in the field of “happiness” to award it with an academic designation as an enigmatic...

Changing the Equation

California law alters how community colleges are financed -- and may fix problems that have plagued system since passage of Prop 13.