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The Crisis of Philosophy

A central discipline finds itself alienated not only from much of society but from the humanities, in large part because of misconceptions about the field, writes Jason Stanley.

The Art of Delegation

Kerry Ann Rockquemore writes that junior faculty members are too quick to assume they can't get help, and too hesitant to ask.

Taking the Leap

My friend and erstwhile colleague Lesboprof has a wonderful, thought-provoking post up about deciding not to take a shot at...

Title Wave

Just recently I came across an organizational structure for a School that had both Directors and Associate Directors as well...

A Defense of Textbooks

I like textbooks. I like to design courses around textbooks. How can I promote textbooks with one hand and open...

Living, learning, walking

In my perambulations of the internet, I came across an action plan for a neighborhood called Snyder, in Amherst NY...

More on Advising

I have been reading Libby Gruner’s recent “advising” columns with interest, both because I wish I’d had someone like her...

Talking During the Test

Oral exams shouldn't be reserved for the dissertation defense, write Tom Deans and Jamie Frueh, who use them with their undergrads.