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The goodness of co-opness

Recent events like the explosion at Upper Big Branch and the BP drilling platform fire in the Gulf show up...

A Brief Breath of Spring

Teresa Mangum sees a few hopeful developments in this year's gloomy job market.

New Digital Tools

Two applications will make the time you spend online more efficient. Scott McLemee catches up with the pace of innovation.

The Dog that Didn't Bark

Mid-April to Mid-May is always the hardest time of year. All of the end-of-year stuff comes to a head at...

ABC's and PhD's: Five minutes

How many five minute intervals have passed me by completely unproductively in my life… I hate to think. (Heck, I’ve...

Some Takeaways From 'This Book is Overdue'

I'm dying to book club This Book Is Overdue!: How Librarians and Cybrarians Can Save Us All, maybe we can...

Grassroots green growth

Good jobs, tied to sustainable enterprises in existing communities. That's the objective of the Apollo Alliance, and one which they...

Pipelines Into Partnerships

Karen Gross looks to an old strategy -- the links between boarding schools and elite colleges -- as a possible alternative to today’s flawed admissions system for private colleges.