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First Thoughts on "Frontline"

Last night "Frontline" did a show on for-profit higher education. It was a disappointing episode in many ways. First, and...

The Presidential Spouse

When defining roles and duties, a good guide may be the adages about courtesy and common sense that we learned from our grandparents, writes Michael W. Schultz.

Six Feet Under

And then back up again....Scott McLemee looks at new book on the history of reburials.

With Curriculum, the Medium is the Message

Three predictions about how changes in the curricular mediums will alter the learning process. Prediction 1: Curricular content will be...

The Lesson of Delicate Arch

Nancy Rosenbach and Peter Katopes see too much emphasis on the speed with which we aim to educate and not enough on the substance we offer.

Ask the Administrator: Hiring Without Searching

A cagey correspondent writes: A former colleague of my husband (at another college) tells my husband that she was just...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Juggling

It feels like it's been a while since I wrote anything about being a parent in this space. It's been...

Technology and Grading Experiments

I don't want to push my opinion too much about Cathy Davidson's grading experiments at Duke. Not that I don't...