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ABCs and PhD's: Time for a recharge

It’s damp. It’s dreary. As I write this, I look out my window and fog obscures the mid-morning light. After...

The Content and the Buzz

Rumors of Book Expo's demise are greatly exaggerated. Scott McLemee returns from the university press "ghetto."

Premature Promotion

Marc Nouri offers a manifesto on what it should mean to apply to become a full professor.

YouTube As an FAQ Platform?

We make tons of screencasts for our FAQ pages. Voice-over screencasts are great ways to show people how to accomplish...

Diversity's Next Challenges

In the early 1990s, two social psychologists conducted an experiment to see whether our society’s negative racial stereotypes affect the...

The Rational (Learning Technologist) Optimist

Every now and again a book comes out that deserves to be read and discussed by your entire campus (or...

Memorial Day weekend

I know that, for many families, Memorial Day weekend is the traditional start of summer. Here, it's more like the...

Program Note

I'll be off next week, returning to the blog on June 7. The book keeps on refusing to write itself...