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The Mood Is the Message

Researchers are studying Twitter as communication medium and index of public opinion. Scott McLemee catches up on the scholarship.

Your Career on One Page

Developing a concise plan for your professional life -- the equivalent of a personal business plan -- can help you plot your next moves, or help you realize you're in a good place, says Jessica Quillin.

Wednesday Wonder Cabinet for Independence Day

Andrew Jackson seems to be thinking: I’m not sure I can hold up under the weight. Warren G. Harding seems...

Like a Thief in the Night

They don’t teach this stuff in dean school. I hear a rumor that a professor has moved out of his...

Macs, PCs and the Failure of the Web App

Two years ago I would have bet that the Mac/PC divide would have lost its salience by now. I thought...

Lower-left-wing conspiracy

Speaking for all of us here in the Northeast, I want to apologize. In truth, we probably deserve our fate...

Who Gets to Guard the Gates of Eden?

Michael A. Olivas reviews and praises the legal arguments that carried the day in Monday's Supreme Court ruling on public colleges' anti-bias rules.

When Narratives Collide

As regular readers know, I’m a colossal nerd. One of my nerdier habits involves listening to Marketplace podcasts on a...