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Picking the Perfect Search Committee

Although it doesn’t happen as often now as it once did, we do still occasionally hire full-time, tenure-track faculty. And...

Day 19 Of My iPad Paperless Experiment

It's Day 19 and my paperless experiment is actually going pretty well. The iPad actually works as a pretty good...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Granola -- from Recipe to Method

About once a week I take down the biggest mixing bowl I have and start pouring, dropping, and even occasionally...

Internet 102

Steve begins his second presentation with a primer for FERPA in the electronic age. He is the expert on the...

Law and Policy in IT: Internet 101

Hello, readers -- welcome to the unofficial launch of my new blog on Inside Higher Ed. I'll provide a fuller...

Net Price vs. Net Worth

In questioning the merit of the Net-Price Calculator, Kent Barnds considers how it could influence values associated with enrollment and financial aid decisions.

Writing IS Thinking

A narrow definition of writing may keep you from making progress, writes, Kerry Ann Rockquemore.