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George Orwell, Web Stats, and Your Site Visitors

I am a self-identified web stats addict. I love logging in to Google Analytics and checking out the web stats...

Academic Fraud and the Academic Culture in China — and Asia

When The Economist (July 24-30, 2010, p. 43), one of the world’s most influential magazines, devotes attention to academic fraud in China, the issue has reached a high level of international attention. I wrote about this issue in the broader context of Asia’s efforts to gain global academic leadership in my article “Enter the Dragons? Not so Fast” (Times Higher Education, June 17, 2010, pp. 38-39). The Economist points to a number of egregious examples of academic dishonestly, plagiarism, misuse of academic degrees and awards in China.

Enterprise vs. Consumer Learning Technologies

The 7/22 article in the NYTimes, "Windows Upgrade Helps Microsoft to a Record Quarter," got me thinking about enterprise vs...

Mothering at Mid-Career: A Good Stage

Recently I’ve been remembering a conversation I had with my dad many years ago — when my husband and I...

Bread crumb the second - In the car

Not too long ago, I had my car repaired. It's got about 100K miles on it and, being a GM...

Bread crumb the first - In the hotel

Recently, Frau R. and I went on vacation, and stayed in a chain hotel (not my favorite choice, but at...

O Canada

American academics should take note of the way their northern neighbor is gaining on them in higher education, write Stephen J. Toope and Neil Gross.

Tame Your Inner Critic

You have to understand this negative force to gain control over it, writes Kerry Ann Rockquemore.