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Libel via YouTube

What's it like to be the Shirley Sherrod of your university? Karl Walling shares his experience and offers suggestions for higher education.

The Shock of Exclusion

Ever since I read an essay, " The Shock of Inclusion" by Clay Shirky in Edge, I've been pondering the...

Build Your Own Orientation

We’ve had some discussions on campus recently about new employee orientation, which starts in a few weeks. The general consensus...

Highlights of President Obama's Speech on Higher Education

When our President gives a major speech devoted to higher education it is important that all of us take some...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Getting what you didn't ask for

This summer for the first time my family joined a CSA (Community-Supported Agriculture). We signed up to receive a weekly...

Bread crumb the sixth - on the canal

In the course of my wanderings, I found a lock. Not a padlock -- a canal lock. At a place...

Are You Afraid to Succeed?

Sometimes you need to look beneath the surface to find out why your work is blocked, writes Kerry Ann Rockquemore.

Christians in Academe: a Reply

If many evangelicals aren't comfortable in mainstream higher education, they should consider their own responsibility for the divide, writes Adam Kotsko.