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Ask the Administrator: Jumping Into the CC World

A new correspondent writes (edited for anonymity): I have spent the last [many] years as [an academic administrator] at a...

Our Active Learning Institute Model

Over the past two-days my institution held our Active Learning Institute, a professional development opportunity focused on teaching and learning...

PhD Programs at Russian Universities: Does more time help?

In last days of July the Russian government was discussing a bill to increase the period of graduate study from...


It's a good thing that the 2010 EDUCAUSE Annual Conference is in October because it reminds me of Halloween candy...

ABC's and Ph.D.'s: Screens

What with winter over, we’re now ready to jump back into school again. Let me explain that: my family and...

More Work Than Pay

If your college expects you to take on 12 months of work for 9 months of pay, what's a principled response? C.K. Gunsalus reviews the choices.


There's big money in applied narratology! Scott McLemee finds out too late to benefit from the bubble.

Ask the Administrator: Transferring to a Private College

A new correspondent writes: I have been away from the academic world for a while, and have been made an...