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Congratulations! Your Loan Is Now in Repayment

I knew this moment would come. The moment when I would begin paying back my student loans, marking the end...

The best backchannels are active before, during, and after

Have you ever participated in a conference backchannel? Are you wondering what a backchannel is? A backchannel is the conversation...

Why Are We Assessing?

The assessment movement has inspired valuable research and numerous organizations, but Linda Suskie asks whether colleges really know why these efforts matter.

Mothering at Mid-Career: Social Networking

I spent this past weekend with my daughter, enjoying crisp New England weather and Parents’ Weekend festivities. Actually, we skipped...

A Course on 'Our Patchwork Nation'

Our Patchwork Nation: The Surprising Truth About the "Real" America, by Dante Chinni and James Gimpel, is a book that...

Tackling Climate Change through Higher Education in Southern Africa

Africa is the continent that is the most vulnerable to climate change. The reasons are many and include widespread poverty...

The Information Cage

The Information Cage TECHNOLOGY | October 23, 2010 Marketers Can Glean Private Data on Facebook This issue of targeted advertising...

Over It Yet? Privacy, That Is

Recent incidents demonstrate that students have no idea about the implications of their lives online, writes Michael Bugeja.