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Who cares?

No, I'm not referring to the election. I'm referring to the universal meta-question that applies to any research. Academics do...

Long Distance Mom: Marching Band

My two teenagers have developed musical skills that neither their father nor myself ever possessed. They both participate in marching...

Putting the 'Humanities' in 'Digital Humanities'

Reflecting on the recent The Humanities and Technology conference ( THAT Camp) in San Francisco, what strikes me most is...

Taxing a la Carte

This story about the election results got me wondering. (And everybody can put the knives down -- I’m not analyzing...

Social Media and the Department

I was hoping to engage in a dialogue with this community about how departments (or units or divisions etc.) can...


Contemporary Americans, wrote the philosopher Richard Rorty, are "rich fat [and] tired;" they live in an "Alexandrian" culture. Craig Brandon's...

Shrub Studies

In a new collection of essays, scholars assess the presidency of George W. Bush. Scott McLemee takes a look.

Art of the Conference Paper

Alessandro Angelini explains how grad students can impress when they present at academic meetings.