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Math Geek Mom: Wisdom from the Neighborhood

One way that economists commonly use statistics is to do “forecasting”, to take what is known about today and to...

Motherhood After Tenure: book covers and first impressions

It's time to order the books for my spring courses. Because I teach Victorian novels, I'm continually trying to negotiate...

The State of the Rankings

Efforts to evaluate universities from around the world may be flawed, but they aren't going away so they need to be understood, writes Philip G. Altbach.

Ask the Administrator: Encouraging Junior to Stay Home

A new correspondent writes: My children are about to “leave the nest” and head off to college. I have been...

Walt Disney University?

“But I have to tell you, the biggest objection to [regulation] has come from the fact that The Washington Post...

Asking "why" before talking about the "tools"

I had the pleasure of attending the NACAS Annual Conference in Colorado Springs this week. Campus auxiliary services professionals from...

Don't spoil the mood!

A recent Saturday morning with my son was a treasure: he invited me to play Lego with him. I made...

Critical Intellectuals on Writing

A neglected book offers insights into how prominent scholars produce their work. Scott McLemee makes a recommendation.